Thursday, April 23, 2015

april showers

We are nearing the end of this month and I can't keep up. I always am surprised at how fast the year has gone by already. Every year it's the same i get to april and wonder how did I miss the last three months?

My creative juicies have been stirred by several arty people. Jennibellie who is a blogger, youtuber and occasional guest artist for other blogs and such is and was my first youtube inspirator. Sounds rather dark doesn't it? She is anything but. She has a personality that inspires you to grab a pencil some recyclables and get going.

The next fabulous online arty mentor is Tamara Laporte and she also has a few wonderfully silly upbeat youtube demos. Her site is willowing arts and the year long project I did last year called lifebook 2014. Now that really helped my art to expand because she had different artists who made you stretch yourself. (jennibellie was one!)

Then Jane Davenport who I absolutely love love love her playfullnes. Plus she has a cutie pie dog name Gesso. (Don't be jealous Sweepie I still love you too -jenniebellies beautiful boy) I have taken soecific art classes online with Jane and I so enjoy watching her I feel like Im at the beach too.

This year I gave myself the gift of a year long class with polymerclay. This is a clss similar to Lifebook in the sense that it has a few artists teaching with different techniques and I have enjoyed it simply because it brings my art to 3d. This is the first year and it is the polymerclay retreat.

If you type in those you will find the link. Sorry for not having them to post but im not too savvy on the ipad. if i knew people read this Id be more inclined to be accurate.

so there is absolutely no reason for anyone to feel they cant learn online these all are available so e have live programs and some don't it also opens up our community to the world. I have been a part of the polymer clay swap and have been so excited to recieve mail again.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

My mermaid queen

On her throne the mermaid queen reigns with soft hand
Her kindness prevails in her watery kingdom.

#29faces day 1

                                #29faces           Martha from I love 2 paint on YouTube started 29 faces in 2012  Martha's Channel here...