Friday, December 1, 2017

December 2017 Look out for each other

It's the first day in December it's cloudy outside, and I love it! When you live in an area that is sunny 350 days of the year. I do not include the monsoon season here, but it is warm a lot. A cloudy day puts a little chill in the air, and it feels like Christmas time!

My son and I went to find a tree the week of Thanksgiving. Why would you do that? Well, my husband will be away for a while, and I wanted the Thanksgiving Holiday to brighten his spirits. He will be away until almost Christmas I knew he would love feeling the spirit. Believe it or not, we didn't find a real tree anywhere. I think only the stores with fake trees were available. According to my husband, imitation trees are not allowed in our house. Considering they have nice looking trees now, it makes me think,  wow how easy would that be?

When I was about 11 or so, we had that silver aluminum tree with a changing colors of light glowing on its branches. My mom had decorated it all with red glass balls. It was like being in a department store. All very neat and tidy. I loved the other items we had for decorations the paper houses with stained glass plastic windows, angels made of fiber mesh, things that were from long ago. Whose these things were I have no idea, and there were very few items at all. I have three red elves that would cling to tapered candles in very acrobatic positions. Also a ceramic Santa bank the rubber stopper has long since deteriorated away. The ceramic has developed cracks, and I think they call it crazing. It didn't have it when I was young; I looked at this Santa year after year and one year it started developing the little crackers. I suppose through all my travels of packing and unpacking had caused the poor thing to give in to the stresses. I still put it out there.

We also had a nativity which was old, and it would lose straw every year that now I don't think there is any straw left. I had the three wise men, of course, Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, a steer, donkey, lamb, and shepherd boy. I sometimes didn't put Christ in the manger until Christmas Eve. Occasionally I would place the wise men across the room as if they weren't there yet, so they have to travel later. Across the living room floor, they would set up next to a safe place so as not to get run over by dogs or people.

When we first moved to Arizona, it was a difficult time for me. We had just moved 2500 miles away from the only family I have ever really known. My boys were living near campus, and out of the house, husband worked long hours, and I couldn't get a job. I was depressed I couldn't even think of decorating let alone getting a tree. We had just moved into our new home. A beautiful house just outside the city. Eventually, I came around, but it was a hard year for me and anyone who expected me to make the Holidays festive.

That's the thing about people who love the holiday season all their life. They make it for others even though people don't realize how much the crazy Christmas people make Christmas exciting for others in their life.

Imagine the person you know loves Christmas or any Holiday for that matter, and you go to see them, and they don't have that emotion, the smile the light in their eyes.
You wonder what's happened because they gave you spirit no matter what it was it made it better for you.

Depression had happened to me I couldn't feel Christmas. Therefore, others didn't feel it either.
I made it through that year; it was hard. My life, at that time, was filled with depressive states, and it wasn't until that moment that it hit me so hard I couldn't get past it. To the point that several years later I decided to go to a therapist.

Does Christmas or any Holiday fill everyone with dread? Maybe, when the month ends, and we are in the new year sometimes it's fresh and new, but for some, it's a letdown. After the fact depression. It's there some people handle it, and no one ever sees it. Some people don't, and it's sad and helpless.

If you or someone you know is going through this call someone, get out and focus on something other than what is occurring at this moment. If you think you might be depressed call your doctor for help and be honest about how your feeling. Sometimes we think we are the only ones feeling this way. Trust me your not it's just that other people hide it better. I know I did and eventually, I couldn't anymore. I was lucky, but others weren't, and we miss them a lot.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 2017

You must take some time and go check this video out and come back.

This is an announcement of monumental proportions.

So did you catch the names of the artists who are on Gina Ahrens? So? I'm on the team! I have never been picked to be on anybody you know?


I am so excited and thrilled to be a part of such an awesome team. It is so awesome to be a part of such a fabulous community. We will start in January of 2018 follow me at any of the following places.

My youtube, facebook and of course the blog are linked. Hope you follow me as I progress through this wonderful adventure.

again yay

Saturday, October 28, 2017

October 2017

Did you know that Tucson, AZ is a little Art haven in the desert? 

Yes, there is a lot of places to visit in Tucson to keep your art inspiration going for a full year. Here is a short clip of a great place to find beautiful things about Tucson in one space. 

This was the first place we went back to have breakfast after an early morning arrival in town. We were exhausted but were immediately lifted in spirits and so glad to be back home again. 

Feeding the fish

How can you not be happy watching the kids feed the fish with a 2 man band playing the feed the turtles song. So fun 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 20

Hi Y'all,

So work is done, I was in a  great place doing pretty good. The people were fun and I really liked the owner and manager. Now I have to get ready to go home so it's packing month. The YouTube channel  (Mimi's Musings) has turned into a Vlog, my Instagram (MMott12) is quiet, and the Easy shop DesignsbyMJM) is on vacation.

Moving is tough to begin with but I'm trying to sort through everything as I move on and that probably isn't the best time to do that. In the past when I sorted stuff in a rush I got rid of things I wish I hadn't. Although I did donate things to really good causes. I gave my lamp working materials to the place where I took many classes.

They provide classes for school students to adults. I had a group from my team take a lamp blowing class. It was a team building exercise that I will never forget. I truly enjoyed taking classes here, I learned so much and had been introduced to some amazing artists.

The second place I donated my things to was the;

I enjoyed going to see if there was anything I wanted (I truly didn't need anything). I left them with all of my dog jewelry since I wasn't going to be going to any craft fairs any time soon and I didn't have a clue about what I was going to do when we moved out to California. I decided they might benefit from my stash and I left what ever I thought they could use in their store. I only hope it did them some good. When I was capable I helped at the shelter walking the dogs when I could muster the energy. Then when my back went I had to try to do some low key stuff. I was hoping to get involved in the training for adoption portion. It never happened, the drive over to the shelter could be daunting for me and I don't know where my head was at sometimes.

Now I am hoping to get things done after I move back into the house. I will have more time to organize everything so I'm looking forward to that part. Come on over to the youtube
channel Mimi's musings and follow me as I document our move. till next month. ttfn

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August 2017

Simple beaded bracelet. Size 11, 15 beads in various pinks. Go to youtube if interested in learning how I made this bracelet.

Lots of my inspirations to make things are from the following you tubers. Show em some love and let them know I sent you.

Off the beaded path, B4Bakup also known as Beading for perfectionists, Jill Wiseman, Bronzepony beads, and Sara Spoltore.

There are lots more but these are my top 5! Of course I couldn't teach you anything better than they could. My purpose since I am an impatient crafter is to do something and actually see if I can manage or muddle through it. The above bracelet is one I sat down with a variety of beads and decided to attempt a free for all while watching my favs on tv.  Which, at the moment is Game of Thrones. Yes, I enjoy mindless fantasy action movies with handsome characters and of course DRAGONS. Why wouldn't I?

Happy Beading. Hugs

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July 2017

Question; would rather be stuck with your animals at home when it's hot out or be in the air conditioning at work?

As for me? Definitely with the dogs. I know everyone figures well at least it's got air conditioning right? For most people I think that would give a good reason to be at work but I look at those faces and think aw they need me even if it's to just commiserate with them. I think I am ready to start down that road to retirement. My art and crafts call to me more than my need to interact with people. Plus these guys are so much fun who needs people? 

Oh ok I understand you probably think I am a little nuts right about now but let me give you an explanation.

  Number one, dogs love you. Some people should be abandoned at the shelter, then maybe they would appreciate the effort people put in to serving them. Dogs are like you came back oh we are so happy to see you again.  People are like add a little extra for the same price?

Number two,  dogs will go where ever you want. People will meander in your room as if there is all the time in the world, meanwhile your next customer is tapping her foot in the waiting room.

Number three, dogs don't care about anything but play and food oh and where they sleep. People act as if they have been dropped here on earth and you should genuflect. 

Number four, dogs understand when you are having a bad day. Some people have acted like they have never made a mistake and believe that perfection is not only possible but a requirement. 

Overall, people disappoint me terribly. I have seen people who are kind and considerate I only hope that I am appreciative towards the ones who are. Then, as a customer, I hope I make people who serve me smile, happy and hopeful.

smiling face and off to work..... sigh

Thursday, June 1, 2017

How are you feeling? Are you ready for shorts and bathing suit season?
Don't worry honey we all feel like we've added some padding. The alternative to living well is well you know so go out and be engaged with life. Do your best to enjoy where you are. Get something that makes you feel comfortable and keep on keeping on.

I love the smell of the roses do the know how the magazine people did it but I loved the smell of the rose catalogue in spring. The promise of a summer bounty of flowers, tomatoes and corn. Mmmmmm

For now I'll have to settle for fruit an vegetables from Felipe's. 

What's your plan for summer? I'm going to start some dog training. Looking forward to getting the doggies back on track. 

So if you're looking to train your doggie or do some creative crafts come over to YouTube and follow me. 
@ Mimi's musings or just saying. 
See u there.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 29 Faces challenge

So I am giving it a good try, go to Ayala's blog to check it out (see above) .

Guess I have some catching up to do since I started this yesterday. Well it's best to start doesn't matter when does it? The link about explains it best please go and check it out Ayala Art hosts this challenge and I decided  to try to keep up. Think I can do it? Let's see, what about you? Are you going to try?



Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 2017

Ahh Yes trying to get all the workshops I am involved in up to date and not get sick. TOO LATE.

Yes I got sick and now I am recuperating from the rest day I took and I think that was worse than being sick. My old bones are hurting. ow. So on with the update

First the color of the year! Greenery from Pantone. Beautiful color reminds me of summer grass, spring and bunny rabbits. I didn't get my directions video looking as well as I wanted so I just redirect everyone to someone I know who is awesome at videos. See the video

So did you pick your word for the the year? Your saying your intentions your good grief with all of that I had no time to get my video's done. I really have a hard time choosing those things. Like what do I want my theme to be? I don't know I am just trying to be creative then everyone wants intentions. I just want to complete everything I started. What is your, STOP! I just want to be taken as a serious artist to make some money out of selling my creations. Is that too real? Why do I have to spend time getting intentions done. My intention is to not have to go to work outside my art shop. To be able to buy things with out using a credit card. Or if I do use a credit card I want to be able to pay it off with the money I make selling the stuff I made.That's my goal.

I am not being hostile I am being realistic. That just doesn't sound as fru fru as it should. It's very in your face and people don't like that. I don't know how I would react if someone put that out there in a video. It's almost shocking. Some people would be insulted because it sounds like I am putting them down. I really don't mean to I am just saying that in my head I don't have that I have to wait to hear what every one else says and copy them because the truth is I don't have visions of sugar plums in my head. Oh I know how to fake it but the reality is I strive to do what I need to to get to the place where every one else is. I have to struggle every time we have a zen mantra going before we can start the process of learning.

I  was ready to learn before I signed up. I want to be organized I want to have creative journals and beautiful things to look at but I can't just vomit them out the beginning of the year.

Whats my word of the year? BE just be. Just be me be creative be aspiring be annoying be loud be yourself.

#29faces day 1

                                #29faces           Martha from I love 2 paint on YouTube started 29 faces in 2012  Martha's Channel here...