Friday, December 2, 2022

December; Mixed Media Journal Page


Hello December!

Here is my journal page for December which happens to be my birth month, although the astrological sign for Capricorn officially doesn't occur til the 22nd. I decided to start my zodiac journey with Capricorn. Here is the video hope you enjoy. 

here is the video 

Holiday Cards that Create the Spirit

Christmas tree vendors, craft fairs, music, oh, the Christmas music. Crisp air, sweaters, peppermint mocha, well, maybe not the peppermint mocha. All signs that the Holidays are coming, and they crash through like a bull in a china shop, and then they disappear as quickly as they rushed in. 

I intended to have all my cards made in time to send them out on the 1st day of December. 
Thank goodness I got Happy Mail from Stampin'Blondie to start my mailings. 

If you like the items in the video you can contact; Stampin' Blondie for more information. 

More cards are being made and sent out and my hope is they are sent this weekend. 

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Don't do this; when you have too much at a craft fair

Don't do this at your next craft fair.

You can see there is no organization. When I put everything out, I tried to make it visible, but I was too close to the table to see how crazy busy it looked. 
Use a variety of levels. I did have some levels. I used crates and covered them with my purple cloth. You can see the crates in the older pictures below. 
That wasn't good enough. I did buy some acrylic stands. They were tiny, and I used them for some of my smaller items, but they still got lost. I can't even point them out to you in the picture. 

Sorry, this picture is blurry, but it's the only one I have on this side of the tables. You can see it's so busy. If not for the acrylic boxes, I got those from Michaels in the storage section (p.s. I used coupons cause they were expensive.)

            So here is a game you can play try to find the following items in the two pictures above. 

I'll give you a hint it's in the blurry pic front.

This is a picture from a practice setup showing you the crate I used.


                 Well, here are some more close-up pictures of other items. Good luck finding them. 

This one should be easy, but I would understand if you can't find it. 

I gave a hint as to where they are below.

You might see these if you look carefully. 

These actually won't be found; they are in an acrylic tray on the far back of a table. 

This is a hint as to where you might find one of the items. 

Well, how did you do? See, It is ridiculous we make so many things that really should stand out, but if you are not thoughtful in the setup, they all can get lost, and nothing really stands out. 

So what should one do? I was thinking of just putting some items into a bin and having one or two samples sitting outside the bin to get attention. The idea is to get people to pass by and look. Having something catch their eye. The Purse Pal wallets were all in one bin, and they did get noticed.

It seems to me I should also present some items so that ideas of what to use them for are apparent. Sometimes I don't think people know how to use the bags. Some things are obvious, like cosmetics, but I bet you didn't see the pencil cases. I had a whole stack of them in the picture. 

If I put the pencil cases on a book which is how they were intended to be used, they might spark some interest, and once people start to look, they notice other things. 

Below are a few of my other setups at craft fairs. You might be interested in comparing them or critiquing them. I always enjoy seeing other crafters' setups and seeing if they have some ideas I could borrow. I don't think we should be gatekeepers with these things.

 Comment below and let me know what you think. For clarity, I have done many craft fairs; sometimes, I would only be able to get a small space, sometimes too large of one. I have made my own jewelry and was a member of different direct sales groups. That is why the products might be different in the pictures below. 

Ft. Lowell craft fair, first time here.

Tried to get some takers to join a class I was teaching at an art school.

Still used levels even though the space was small. It works

This has to be my favorite setup. Everything looks organized and clean. There are levels, and it just looks good.

The levels were good here; the foot traffic was slow tho.

I was okay with this setup but not happy with the covers. 

You can see everything, but the tablecloth bothers me so much

I eventually put up the side table. It's not apparent here.

Monday, September 5, 2022

September Craft Fair; how'd it go?


The September 4h craft fair was first on Labor Day, second at a new location, not just for me but the whole show, and third, the first time I worked with this organizer, Jackie. 

This wasn't the first fair of the year for me. I went to Ft. Lowell Arts and Craft fair in April, which was okay but not great. That is the first fair I changed up from papercraft to sewn items. I have been working to build an inventory of worthy items to show since the end of last year. This show actually had a really good inventory.

It seems that some of what I made was a hit. I earned my table fee back, which is always a bonus and then some. I would not rely on craft fairs to sustain myself, but I did better at this one than ever at any shows. 

Now, I have to account that I think there wasn't anyone else who had what I made or anything quite like it. Most of my items are gothic, witchy-type bags and such. Looking around the room, I saw jewelry, jams, candles, acrylic items, beaded hanging window decorations, customizable water bottles, painted rocks, and oils. All of which have a uniqueness in and of themselves. 

The foot traffic came in from the hotel lobby and was more significant than I expected. I really didn't know what kind of advertising was done. Since we were right in the middle of the labor day holiday, I didn't expect much foot traffic to come into visit us. 

I believe many people who did come in who weren't registered as hotel guests were actually friends and family of the crafters. Which is really a great way to get the party started. Unfortunately, some of the crafters didn't do well at all. It does take a significant amount of guests to generate a nice profit from craft fairs. 

I didn't take a good video of everyone, but now I wish I had since I think it is a learning opportunity. I have been doing craft fairs since my early 20s, and I started doing Holiday fairs where everyone expects to see the same things. But in general, you have to have a very interesting setup that draws people to your table or a unique variety of items that no one else has. 

They plan to have the fair every first Sunday of the month, so they will be set up for October, which I think is suited for my crafts, being the witchy woman I am. So I am considering doing that one. Hope to see you there. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

September Craft Fair


So what is the number one rule about being a vendor a Craft Fair? 

Fall 2022

Make sure they are established first. 

So, why am I attending this one? It is actually occurring for the first time at this location, and I haven't been to any of their other events at other locations. It could be a big mistake. I will update the blog on how it goes after the event. 
The cost of a spot isn't that bad. When you consider some Fair organizers want over $150.00 to $250.00 and a white tent. It's worth my checking it out. One of the other crafters I know has been to this organizer's other events, and they did well. Which, in my mind, says it's worth a chance. 

2022 Our New Normal?

See the photo for Lodge Fair 2022. I was happy with my two tiny tables in the corner. It wasn't an overwhelming presence of visitors. Frankly, I go for socialization with my fellow crafters. They are so nice and friendly; they want to make money, but they are always encouraging and supportive of each other. 

Lodge Fair 2022

    Since we were just coming out of the pandemic, I was happy to hide in my corner. That isn't the best attitude for being a business person. Unfortunately, I have become more of an introvert after the lockdown and hiding in my craft room. 

This craft fair was slow going and gave me an opportunity to go visit. Since I mostly buy my presents from my fellow artisans I could shop. It is better to have someone with you to watch your table. I don't have that advantage; honestly, the other crafters are very helpful in ensuring your table is covered while you hit the restroom or get a refreshment. This was a lovely gentle introduction back into the world for someone like me who can get rather panicky with too many people. Hopefully, we will get a better result at the next one.

                            one of my last events attended. 

Fall 2019

    The fall 2019 photo is the setup for a fair that was like a comic con for spooky stuff. Which fit right into my Halloween paper crafts. Now, my crafts are more small purses and bags made from spooky material. I think I would do really well at this fair. I haven't been able to locate the coordinator to attend this event again.  This was just before the pandemic and we weren't able to gather anymore.

My first set up at Ft. Lowell Craft Fair

Spring 2018?

Spring 2018? I can't really remember the year of this fair. It was the first time I attended the craft fair at Faith Tabernacle Church. As you can see, my booth was very tiny, but it was the first time at that location. I was trying to keep my chocolate from being in the sun. As you can see, I couldn't avoid the sun at all. The organizer has had a spring and fall fair and it has grown tremendously. The next one is in October.

It has grown so large that it is outside, in a hall and a parking lot full of vendors. Most organizers will either donate a portion of their fee or ask for an additional donation for some community project. This past spring, 2022, I started showing my new items. They went over well. I didn't sell out, but I at least paid for my space, initially part of what I always hoped for. 

I didn't take photos of the spring fair 2022, but here are some screenshots from my Tik Tok Videos @creativemixmimi

Spring 2022

Spring 2022

The size of my tables depends on where I will be set up. I used two narrow tables at the spring craft fair to carry myself. In the one in the bottom Fall 2020 photo, I was able to use a table the event coordinator had. The Fall 2020 craft fair was at an art school, and most of the vendors were teachers of some art. I, at the time, was offering paper crafting. 

                                                                            Fall 2020

My very first craft fair was when my eldest son was an infant. I made gingerbread houses and sold them. I didn't make any money, yet I had the best time. I remember a crafter gave me a bauble for my son for his first Christmas. Getting to visit with other makers has always been the best part of being a vendor at a craft fair. Getting people that want to buy your goods is a significant bonus.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

shopping haul for crafting SD 480p

Shopping for new Halloween items is so much fun and the best part is gathering all those items and putting them together in a mini journal. In this video, I collected what I had left over from past hauls and included this year's (2022) finds to decorate my mini journal. 

Graphic 45 ephemera and paper
Stampin' Up paper from (2021)
Duvo Glue 
Michael's ephemera from recollections

Restarting and creating a community

                                         Socialize and interact with others at the craft fairs.

I have spent the last year fine-tuning my craft of sewn items. That certainly doesn't mean I have stopped my paper crafting phase. Most crafters might understand I go from one thing to the next and try to master it. It depends on the weather, my mood, and what seems exciting today. That's why it's called Creative Mix. Cause I do a mix of things always have.  

outdoor craft tent

My craft fair adventures are because it is my social life now that I don't have a regular job to go to every day. Most people don't realize when they have spent much of their time at a job. I haven't done many things over my lifetime and mostly put too much into them. When you finally retire, it gets very quiet. Especially when you don't have grandchildren or family nearby to keep you busy. You can start feeling isolated when you stop going someplace daily. For me having my youtube channel and my crafty life keeps me going. 

 So, I have been trying to build a community of crafters to engage with each other on social media platforms. Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, and youtube. I'm not the media mogul all those young people are; I just want a place where we can get together and share ideas. Sort of like meeting at a coffee shop and doing our own crafts, but having time together and sharing our thoughts. 

We are starting a monthly craft fair in September, and I am so excited to see how my new items do at this show. Here are some photos so you can see what I'm bringing. I'll update how it went later on. I will most likely post to Facebook and TikTok so you can follow if you are interested.

small bags 
hand sanitizer holders

key fob change holders

If nothing else, the table will look attractive. The thing is, I am doing a great Halloween look, and that is not everyone's cup of tea. But there it is. 

#29faces day 1

                                #29faces           Martha from I love 2 paint on YouTube started 29 faces in 2012  Martha's Channel here...