So what is the number one rule about being a vendor a Craft Fair?
Fall 2022 |
Make sure they are established first.
So, why am I attending this one? It is actually occurring for the first time at this location, and I haven't been to any of their other events at other locations. It could be a big mistake. I will update the blog on how it goes after the event.
The cost of a spot isn't that bad. When you consider some Fair organizers want over $150.00 to $250.00 and a white tent. It's worth my checking it out. One of the other crafters I know has been to this organizer's other events, and they did well. Which, in my mind, says it's worth a chance.
2022 Our New Normal?
See the photo for Lodge Fair 2022. I was happy with my two tiny tables in the corner. It wasn't an overwhelming presence of visitors. Frankly, I go for socialization with my fellow crafters. They are so nice and friendly; they want to make money, but they are always encouraging and supportive of each other.
Lodge Fair 2022
Since we were just coming out of the pandemic, I was happy to hide in my corner. That isn't the best attitude for being a business person. Unfortunately, I have become more of an introvert after the lockdown and hiding in my craft room. This craft fair was slow going and gave me an opportunity to go visit. Since I mostly buy my presents from my fellow artisans I could shop. It is better to have someone with you to watch your table. I don't have that advantage; honestly, the other crafters are very helpful in ensuring your table is covered while you hit the restroom or get a refreshment. This was a lovely gentle introduction back into the world for someone like me who can get rather panicky with too many people. Hopefully, we will get a better result at the next one.
one of my last events attended.
Fall 2019
The fall 2019 photo is the setup for a fair that was like a comic con for spooky stuff. Which fit right into my Halloween paper crafts. Now, my crafts are more small purses and bags made from spooky material. I think I would do really well at this fair. I haven't been able to locate the coordinator to attend this event again. This was just before the pandemic and we weren't able to gather anymore.
My first set up at Ft. Lowell Craft Fair
Spring 2018? I can't really remember the year of this fair. It was the first time I attended the craft fair at Faith Tabernacle Church. As you can see, my booth was very tiny, but it was the first time at that location. I was trying to keep my chocolate from being in the sun. As you can see, I couldn't avoid the sun at all. The organizer has had a spring and fall fair and it has grown tremendously. The next one is in October.
It has grown so large that it is outside, in a hall and a parking lot full of vendors. Most organizers will either donate a portion of their fee or ask for an additional donation for some community project. This past spring, 2022, I started showing my new items. They went over well. I didn't sell out, but I at least paid for my space, initially part of what I always hoped for.
I didn't take photos of the spring fair 2022, but here are some screenshots from my Tik Tok Videos @creativemixmimi
Spring 2022 |
Spring 2022 |
The size of my tables depends on where I will be set up. I used two narrow tables at the spring craft fair to carry myself. In the one in the bottom Fall 2020 photo, I was able to use a table the event coordinator had. The Fall 2020 craft fair was at an art school, and most of the vendors were teachers of some art. I, at the time, was offering paper crafting.
Fall 2020
My very first craft fair was when my eldest son was an infant. I made gingerbread houses and sold them. I didn't make any money, yet I had the best time. I remember a crafter gave me a bauble for my son for his first Christmas. Getting to visit with other makers has always been the best part of being a vendor at a craft fair. Getting people that want to buy your goods is a significant bonus.